Pricing Plans

Choose a plan that works for you

Job Posting Packages

Job Posting - Free

0 USD /month
  • 10 Job Postings
  • Valid for 60 days
  • Access to all applications
  • Send Email to Applicants
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Job Posting - 5

50 USD /month
  • 5 Job Postings
  • Valid for 60 days
  • Access to all applications
  • Send Email to Applicants
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Job Posting - 10

80 USD /month
  • 10 Job Postings
  • Valid for 60 days
  • Access to all applications
  • Send Email to Applicants
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CV Database Access Packages

CV View - 100

100 USD /month
  • 100 CV Views
  • 300 Candidate Emails
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CV View - 250

200 USD /month
  • 250 CV Views
  • 750 Candidate Emails
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Combo: Job Posting + CV Access Packages

CV View + Job Posting Combo

250 USD /month
  • 5 Job Postings
  • Valid for 60 days
  • Access to all applications
  • Send Email to Applicants
  • 250 CV Views
  • 750 Candidate Emails
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CV Database Highlights
  • Search & Filter candidates by specific keywords and skills.
  • Find candidates by nationality, current country, city, industry, job role, experience, language, etc
  • Download candidate resume instantly!
  • Save candidates in folders for future reference
  • Send instant email to candidates for communication
  • Save notes for each candidate
Job Posting Highlights
  • Immediate access to job applications.
  • Organize the applications with predefined folders like Shortlisted, Interview, Hired, Rejected, etc.
  • Pause job listing to stop receiving applications.
  • Download candidate resume instantly!
  • Save candidates in folders for future reference
  • Send instant email to candidates for communication
  • Save notes for each candidate
  • We will send email alerts to candidates about your job requirements
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