Job Detail


Posted on Nov 26, 2023
Location: Dubai, UAE
Industry: Others
Job Type: Full Time/Permanent
Education: Intermediate School
Experience: 1 Year
Salary: 1500 - 2500 UAE Dirhams (Monthly)

Job Description

It looks like there might be a slight typo in your query. If you're asking about "cleaner housekeeping," I assume you're looking for tips or information related to keeping a cleaner house. Here are some general tips for maintaining a clean and organized home:

Declutter Regularly:

Get rid of items you no longer need or use.
Establish a routine for decluttering different areas of your home.
Create a Cleaning Schedule:

Break down tasks into daily, weekly, and monthly chores.
Stick to a consistent schedule to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Organize Your Space:

Use storage solutions like bins, baskets, and shelves.
Keep similar items together for easy access.
Regular Cleaning Tasks:

Dust surfaces, including furniture and electronics.
Vacuum or sweep floors regularly.
Clean kitchen and bathroom surfaces frequently.
Tackle One Room at a Time:

Focus on a specific room or area to prevent feeling overwhelmed.
Complete one room before moving on to the next.
Delegate Tasks:

If you share your living space, distribute cleaning responsibilities among household members.
Stay on Top of Laundry:

Establish a routine for washing, drying, and putting away laundry.
Clean as You Go:

Try to clean up messes and put things away as you use them to prevent clutter from aculating.
Invest in Cleaning Supplies:

Have the necessary cleaning supplies on hand.
Consider using environmentally friendly or multipurpose cleaning products.
Regularly Check Expiration Dates:

Dispose of expired food, medications, and other perishables.

Candidate Requirements

Remember, the key to maintaining a clean and organized home is consistency. Developing good habits and incorporating cleaning tasks into your routine can help keep your living space tidy and comfortable. If you have specific questions or areas you'd like more advice on, feel free to ask!

Skills Required

Job is expired

DISCLAIMER: Dear Candidate! You are fully responsible to deal with the employer on the hiring process. will not take any responsibility on your hiring process. Genuine employer does not ask money for hiring!

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