International Management consultancy is one of the leading Education & professional management training consultancies that specialize in Project Ma...
WE ARE HIRING Job description We are hiring candidates for the post of “Financial Consultants” and “Senior Financial consultants” for Retail...
Roles and Responsibilities: ● Ensure that assigned territory meets or exceeds required quota ● Develop processes to obtain leads through pos...
Job Description The Cheese-Epicurean Specialist first and foremost is responsible for guest relations and satisfaction. He/She will provide gu...
1. Perform allocated repairs in accordance with Manufacturer’s repair procedures to obtain high quality repairs. 2. Avoid waste of time to improve...
Role The Training and Development Specialist will create, develop, implement, and conduct training and development programs for employees. Re...
We are looking for a Beauty Specialist to present, promote and sell a wide range of beauty products, including hair products, cosmetics and skin ca...
As a restaurant captain you are responsible to promote and ensure guest satisfaction, maintain a safe and sanitary work environment and ensure only...
Find prospects and leads Learn details about our products and services Understand all the prospects needs, problems or wants Explain how our sol...
Familiarize yourself with all products and services offered by our company. Procuring new clients through direct contact, word-of-mouth, and colla...